Some emails are parsed, while others are not. It depends on the format of the email. Here are some highlights:
Files of interest:
The process as I understand it is the following:
Step 1.
On Mailbox.php you define what emails are considered for un-subscription. The default criteria es UNSEEN, which the process will consider only not unread emails to then parse and consider to unsubscribe.
I changed the criteria to ALL, which will scan ALL emails on the Inbox of your mail (I did this because I use a dedicated email to send, and clear the Inbox frequently. It is not recommended you use the ALL criteria on a big inbox because it will take forever.
To accomplish this you need to change this code on Mailbox.php:
public function searchMailbox($criteria = self::CRITERIA_ALL)
if (preg_match('/'.self::CRITERIA_UID.' ((\d+):(\d+|\*))/', $criteria, $matches)) {
// PHP imap_search does not support UID n:* so use imap_fetch_overview instead
$messages = imap_fetch_overview($this->getImapStream(), $matches[1], FT_UID);
to this:
public function searchMailbox($criteria = self::CRITERIA_ALL)
$criteria = 'SINCE "'.date("Y-m-d").'"';
#$criteria = 'ALL';
if (preg_match('/'.self::CRITERIA_UID.' ((\d+):(\d+|\*))/', $criteria, $matches)) {
// PHP imap_search does not support UID n:* so use imap_fetch_overview instead
$messages = imap_fetch_overview($this->getImapStream(), $matches[1], FT_UID);
This will check all the emails received today
Update 2019/10/02
To have the program scan the contents of the bounced email correctly you need to edit the BodyParser.php accordingly, this is usually on the following destination: