jasper reports: java compatibility

We user Jasper Reports on multiple projects:

  • We have a stand-alone Jasper Server that runs all types of reports from our server
  • We have an Openbravo ERP Instance 
  • We have an iDempiere ERP Instance Running (same fork root as Openbravo).

The Jasper Studio is used to configure the reports and compile them, the problem is that starting in Jasper Studio versino 6.2 the program compiles with Java 1.8 (but my servers are running Java 1.7), this means the the compiled reports won't run on the server. 

I read online that apparently you can configure Jasper Studio to use a previous Java version, modifying the configuration.ini file, which I tried to no avail. I used the Java 1.7 JRE from the version 6.10 (jre.win32.win32.x86_64.feature_1.7.0.u80) added it to the features folder and change the path on the configuration.ini, see below. After doing this the program did not start. 

Original Jaspersoft Studio.ini 


Change to



The temporary "solution" was to revert to Jasper Studio 6.1.0 that uses Java 1.7 natively and it works. 

Another possible alternative (that I need to closely review) is to try to upgrade the servers to Java 1.8, but this may be very risky as things may break and the servers may stop working.

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