March 17, 2021March 17, 2021uncategorized ubuntu: creates ssh-keys for non root user su user ssh-keygen it is saved on: Enter file in which to save the key (/var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa)
March 17, 2021uncategorized jenkins: extract jobs copy paste /var/lib/jenkins/jobs directory between installations
March 17, 2021March 17, 2021uncategorized tar untar tar -czvf name-of-archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory-or-file tar -xzvf archive.tar.gz
March 14, 2021March 14, 2021uncategorized pycharm: assistance on mysql insert queries select the insert query right-click -> edit as table you can modify your insert query visually this is super helpful […]
March 13, 2021uncategorized sugarcrm: last community edition before terminating the project SugarCE-6.5.26 still available on sourceforge 2021-03-13
March 13, 2021uncategorized suitecrm: get legacy sugarcrm theme
March 12, 2021March 12, 2021uncategorized great stack recommendation post
March 12, 2021uncategorized digital ocean: dynamic firewall solution
March 10, 2021uncategorized pgsql: insert data to another unrelated table. sql = """ insert into public.bounced_emails (id, email_address) select id, email_bounced from email_0365_main where email_bounced is not null; """
March 9, 2021March 9, 2021uncategorized shell script failing with notepad++ encoding -> ansi encoding -> convert to ansi edit -> EOL Conversion -> Unix (LF)