December 12, 2020December 12, 2020uncategorized office365: disable read receipts on admin console
December 5, 2020April 18, 2021uncategorized mysql: create super user with access to all tables CREATE USER 'username' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'username'@'%'; caching_sha2_password problem CREATE USER ''@'your_server_ip ' […]
November 22, 2020January 7, 2021uncategorized unifi: configure dtim and beacon interval The DTIM can be changed through the controller, but the Beacon is not that easy. It can kind of be […]
November 18, 2020uncategorized imaplib: get amazonses dsn import email msg = email.message_from_string(emailstr) if (msg.is_multipart() and len(msg.get_payload()) > 1 and msg.get_payload(1).get_content_type() == 'message/delivery-status'): # email is DSN print(msg.get_payload(0).get_payload()) […]
November 8, 2020November 8, 2020uncategorized postgresql: find email domain from email SUBSTRING(email_clean_from, POSITION('@' in email_clean_from)+1),
November 5, 2020uncategorized unifi: powerbeam change network config through cli
November 5, 2020November 5, 2020uncategorized ubuntu: what process is eating my bandwidth? sudo nethogs
November 3, 2020uncategorized pgsql: restore on new server pg_restore -U user_name --create -d database_name --no-privileges --no-owner /home/XXXX/XXXX.sql
November 1, 2020uncategorized postgresql: users and roles On Ubuntu, pg uses the same users as the server.