July 24, 2021July 25, 2021uncategorized nextcloud: re-scan files if you create files directly on the OS, they will not appear directly on nextcloud, you need to re-scan the system. […]
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April 25, 2021uncategorized python: set pythonpath on persistent on ubuntu first test if its set: echo $PYTHONPATH if you want to set it temporarily export PYTHONPATH=/home/:$PYTHONPATH […]
April 23, 2021uncategorized openvpn: ignore redirect gateway https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/IgnoreRedirectGateway
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April 23, 2021April 23, 2021uncategorized gitea: create admin user gitea admin user create --admin --username [username]--password [password] --email [emailaddress] touch README.md git init […]